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Praying Mantis Egg - 2 Chinese

To unpack your mantis eggs:

The container it is in is the one that will be used for hatching.  Simply take off the cover and carefully take the eggs out which are attached to a stick.  Remove the packing and small piece of paper towel.  Place the (eggs on stick) back inside container and lightly mist with water and cover.  Eggs can be hatched together.  If one egg hatches before the other one, simply remove nymphs and continue hatching. 

 For hatching:         Hatch time is 2 to 8 weeks and hatch time starts approx. when you receive your order.

 Lightly mist every other day to keep the egg environment moist but not wet.  Keep in comfortable temperature (70’s) and not in direct sunlight.


If you are letting them go in your garden:

Just let it sit another 3 days in its hatching container not opening the lid.  Once you open the lid, you cannot get them back in.

The reason you give them another 3 days is to get stronger.  You do, however, need to spray the top lid allowing moisture to drip in.

If it is past all frost outside, then you can release them probably in area where you see lots of tiny bugs as they will want to eat soon.  Just set the container down on the side taking the lid off and watch them go.

If you plan on raising some, they will need to be divided out individually into their own small habitat (small is important while they are small so the nymph can easily find its food)

You will need Melanogaster Fruit Flies for food.  

Once your mantis is set up in its container:

  • Spray the mantis environment once a day to ensure his/her environment is moist/ humid.
  • Feed every other day. Do not overload on food.  About 4 to 5 flies.
  • Make sure you do not feed your mantis if you see signs that it is getting ready to molt or has already started.
  • Do not move its habitat around or shake while your mantis is molting.


Mantis Care Instructions    -----    How can I tell if my Mantis is about to molt?

 It is relatively easy to tell when your mantis is just about to molt/shed. 

 First, you will notice how your mantis will not pay attention to its food.  It will ignore the moving prey and stay on top of the cage or on a large high branch upside down.  Or if you try to hand feed your mantis, it may try to bat the prey away.

 Second, you will notice how your mantis will stay in the same place on a high branch upside down or on the cage roof.

 Normally, you will see your mantis moving around.

Third, your mantis will begin to lose its coloration and turn pale.  This is the old skin underneath loosing up so your mantis will shake and quiver to break the old skin to push through allowing it to be free with a new skin.

